The Medic on board is responsible for having an overview and providing the best care to people in distress at sea, whether on a boat in distress or on board MARE*GO. There is one medic on board, medical facilities and care are limited to first aid and emergency response.Triage, constant assessments and quick and good decision-making play a major role. In operations, they are part of the RIB Crew and do the first assessment. The person should feel confident in writing short medic reports for handovers to other vessel/Italian authorities, and also provide basic medical training for other crew members.


  • Fluent English
  • Medical Doctor with two or more years of experience as medical professional
  • Experience working in context with limited capacities and need for autonomous and responsible decision-making


  • Experience in SAR as part of the medic crew
  • good spoken level of French and/or Arabic and/or Italian
  • Deck-skills, when the SiB is out, the Medic and Engineer are deck-Crew
  • experience on smaller crafts /Rhib-driving skills
  • good knowledge of the context of migrations in the central Med, the Italian political situation and European migration policies
  • experience with crowd management / conflict resolution/ mediation
  • experience with living together with a diverse yet small group of people
  • Any other relevant language